I have been doing a fantastic job of neglecting my blog, but this whole Iditarod thing needs to be corrected. In March I sled-hauled / dragged myself about 1000-miles across the Alaskan wilderness, on the most epic, dangerous and - at times - terrifying endeavour of my life. Particular highlights include the standard risks of frostbite, plus distractions about whether or not the Bering Sea was going to wash me away, or if, what was left of me, was going get torn to shreds in the deadly blowholes in the last 40-miles before the finish.
Still, I am writing this, so all went well. I could have had an easier time if I had worked harder at the start, and then gotten ahead of some lethal storms, but we live and learn. The delay in the blog update is because I had to commit my memories to paper, as I'll be releasing a book about all this later (this year, hopefully). This has, unfortunately, held-back publication about a previous 1000-miler and world-first, my Yukon Quest solo. Notes have been written, and articles and books are pending!